Whats New at FlamingText
How did we make this image?

30th August 2010

  • How's your Russian? Our's is excellent.
Outline Shadow Logo

23rd August 2010

Missing Text Logo

17th August 2010

16th August 2010

Solid Noise Logo

9th August 2010

Steel Logo

8th August 2010

  • Fix for colour picker with old browsers. - Thanks John

7th August 2010

  • Dynamic on-page image generation now live for everyone.

2nd August 2010

Grey man Logo

26th July 2010

Feurio Logo

22nd July 2010

  • Added Save-As JPG to the available options.
  • Main web pages now load faster.

20th July 2010

19th July 2010

Wood Grain Logo
WoodGrain Logo

12th July 2010

Fun Time Logo
Funtime Logo

11th July 2010

  • Fixed and added transparent/gif/png options to Drop Shadow - thanks Mariska
  • Fixed bad image next to logo - thanks M. M.

9th July 2010

  • Fixed "keep background" on Chip Away.
  • added gif/png and transparency options to USA/ Horizon/ Plasma/ Lava.
  • added gif/png options to Layer Cake.
  • Fixed problem where some gif's not saved correctly.

7th July 2010

  • Fixed Mouse over link on the Buttons page (now gone).

5th July 2010

Mosaic Logo
Mosaic Logo

Glow Logo
Glow Logo

29th June 2010

  • Better handling of UTF-8 chars (accents etc) for "Quick Edit".

28th June 2010

Chrominium Logo
Chrominium Logo

27th June 2010

24th June 2010

23rd June 2010

22nd June 2010

21st June 2010

Birdy Logo
Birdy Logo
  • transparency now works (double outline, plain, etc)
  • font preview works better now (when you hit back)

17th June 2010

14th June 2010

Bad Oil Logo
Oil Drop Logo

You can try this with deep purple background as well.

Bad Oil Logo
Bad Oil Logo

7th June 2010

Plasma Logo
Plasma Logo

31st May 2010

Oil Spill Logo
Oil Spill Logo

Old Photo Logo
Old Photo Logo

24th May 2010



17th May 2010


10th May 2010

Aqua Ball
Aqua Ball

How did we make the heading for this page?

The title at the top of this page was made with style Alien Glow, font=Bodidly fontSize=70, glowColour=(51,102,255) and glow=5.